To diagnose an ovarian growth or cyst

To remove an ovarian cyst which is very large or causing sympyoms such as pain

Treatment of infertility that may be caused by endometriosis.

Remove growths that are not cancerous but unlikely to resolve spontaneously



An ovarian cystectomy is a surgical procedure done to remove ovarian cysts. A cyst is a non-cancerous growth of the ovary. These are common in women and often resolve spontaneously. You may have an ovarian cyst at some point in your life – this cyst may or may not cause symptoms. In cases where an ovarian cyst causes painful symptoms, is very large or has caused the ovary to twist the cyst may be removed.

Routes of an ovarian cystectomy

This may be done as a laparoscopic/ minimally invasive approach or through open abdominal surgery. Generally a laparoscopic approach is preferred as it is minimally invasive an allows for significantly quicker recovery. If there is any suspicion of cancer or the cyst is too large or the patient has had multiple previous surgeries a laparotomy will be performed instead.

Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy

This approach is minimally invasive, involving 3 -5 tiny puncture-like incisions in the abdominal wall. Through these incisions, the laparoscope fitted with a camera can be inserted into the abdominal cavity. Air is then used to inflate the abdomen to allow full visualization of the pelvis and its structures. Uterus and ovaries are identified. From there, the ovarian cyst/cysts can be surgically removed using small surgical instruments through the incisions in your abdomen. Laparoscopic surgery has the benefits of faster recovery time as well as a lower risk of infection and blood loss.

Hospital stay 1 – 2 days

Return to work 2 weeks

Complications and safety

While complications are rare, the risk of complications increases with more complex cases. These complications may require further surgery. Complications that may occur after removal of an ovarian cyst include:

  • The possible need for the removal of an ovary
  • Infection of the incision site
  • Bladder infection
  • Bleeding - resulting in the need for blood transfusion or a second operation
  • Damage to the surrounding pelvic organs such as rectum and bladder. This will require further surgery to repair
  • Very rarely injury to the major blood vessels on insertion of the laparoscopic ports

What to expect after surgery

You will be admitted on the day of the surgery unless otherwise indicated. Your may be fitted with stockings, which will help reduce your risk of blood clots.

After the surgery, you can expect some pain and swelling near the incision for the first few days, but pain medications will be prescribed.  You may also experience pain under your diapragm or shoulder from the gas used to inflate your tummy during laparoscopy. This will go away with time. You may have a urinary catheter in for the first 24 hours after your operation. To minimise your risk of developing blood clots, you will be prescribed blood-thinning medication and be encouraged to get up and to walk as soon as possible. Your physiotherapist will also assist you with exercises and instruct you in terms of what activities you should and should not be doing after surgery. You may begin eating and drinking a few hours after surgery. Your stitches may begin to fall out after a week. You will see Dr Bryant for a check-up 2 weeks after surgery.

Bloating and constipation are also common. This will resolve with time.


Why does Dr Emma Bryant primarily perform an ovarian cystectomy?

Primarily, the procedure is done to remove cysts from the ovaries. The procedure is considered when the cyst grows large enough or does not disappear on its own.

How long will it take to recuperate from ovarian cystectomy?

You will begin to feel better a week after the procedure. However, a full recovery can take up to six weeks at most.

Is there a possibility that the ovarian cyst will return after a cystectomy?

Yes, there remains a risk of the cyst returning.

We are a referral practice that specialises in female pelvic surgery

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